The Outliers Inn – Episode 42 – Hemp, Cannabis, Maintenance, OpEx, Chemistry and Beer

The Outliers Inn – Episode 42 – Hemp, Cannabis, Maintenance, OpEx, Chemistry and Beer

Topic: An eclectic bunch of visitors visited The Outliers Inn sharing a myriad of challenges. It was another successful Open Mic Night at The Outliers Inn.  Word is spreading of the new format of having random call-in guests is taking hold with the guests being greater in number and in energy. We start with Antlerboy and…

On “Being Green” and “Global Warming”

I grew-up in Binghamton, New York – actually a “suburb” of Binghamton, New Yorkcalled West Corners. West Corners was a nice little community and, as a child, seemed more akin to “Green Acres” and “The Waltons” than the nearby birthplace of such industrial stalwarts as Endicott-Johnson Shoes (remember “Father and Son Shoes”?), Link Simulation (the founding father of modern simulation) and that industrial giant, International Business Machines (IBM).

I remember the summers with great fondness. I used to wake-up early in the morning and head to “the crick” – also known as Nanticoke Creek – with fishing rod in hand and old shoes (or at least soon-to-be old shoes). We used to fish all day long, catching minnows and crawdads by hand for bait. When we got bored, we swam. And when we got hungry, we started a campfire and cooked-up the fish and crawdads we had caught. Sometimes, and when in season, we would pick ears of corn and throw them on the fire – husk and all. There is no better way to eat corn then roasted in their husks on an open fire