
The Outliers Inn – Episode 44 – German Waste Disposal, Food Waste, Logistics

Topic:  JP shares his challenges with a recent move of premises.  Many of the frustrations involve the discarding of waste in Germany; the myriad of bins and methods of discarding and the confusions that go with their use is but one of the challenges.  The biggest challenge, besides JP holding the opinion that his landlords were assholes…


The Outliers Inn – Episode 8 – Operational excellence in Government – an impossible dream?

Welcome to Episode 8 of the Outliers Inn podcast – Operational excellence in Government – an impossible dream? Topic: Despite Benjamin’s protestations, the pair and their illustrious guests are brought down by the challenges of operational excellence in Government. Ed Straw, former PwC partner, think tank and national relationship counselling organisation board member, and author of Stand…

Absinthe, the “Green Fairy”, and Operational Excellence

Absinthe, the “Green Fairy”, and Operational Excellence

XONITEK-US and XONITEK-UK recently hosted an Operational Excellence Summit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  If you have ever been to Amsterdam, you will know there are distinct cultural differences which are quite obvious if you are from New York – even from a pre-Giuliani New York. From each place I visit, I’ve always liked to acquire…


Government; Has the need but lacks the will, even the want.

In a global marketplace, companies have a primal motivation for continually improving the value-proposition of their offering.  They have to outpace the competition and offer more and more, for less and less, otherwise risk losing the customer.  To meet these demands of the customer requires that companies constantly seek to increase the velocity of throughput…